Home / field

Wild plants as a theme is revisited each year through collecting and photography. My most recent installation Home is the third iteration of a series of scrolls that I began several years ago. It links back to my interest in the disused space of the greenhouse as a place of abundance and desolation.

I use the transparency of the paper within different spaces to create scale, wildness, house like structures,that you may or may not enter into. These are woodcuts on ply, inked with water based inks on both sides of the paper. The Kozo sheets of paper are then stuck with rice glue.

Field / Champ  – woodcut installation 2018 / chateau des portes France

Curated By Stephen Horn – Exposition – Le Temps du Jardin

The Chateau des Portes exhibition gave me a space and light to work with, so that at times the woodcuts themselves almost disappear. This piece is really about walking, passing through. The title Champs / Field I used as it sits between the idea of formal fields of vision and romantic notions of dreaming.

I use traditional Woodcut techniques on Kozo paper (made with the mulberry leaf) it is translucent and allows light to pass through it. The panels are made by cutting in wood fragments of weeds that I have collected and photographed here in the Gard.  I then use water based inks to colour and print using a barren. These individual sheets are then put together using rice glue. In this exhibit I have put them together in long scroll formats. I was interested in the utter fragility of them and their height, which is something I experienced here by the way the weeds grew so quickly and by the intensity of the climate.

This piece was re worked for another space in a group show in Saint Mathieu des Traviers ( Herault ) in the Autumn of 2017 .

Chateau des Portes , Le Creuse. France.

Images Kendra Wallis & Zoé Forget

Champ II

St Mathieu des Treviers  France 2017
